Some Helpful tools for you to choose depending on your learning style. There is something to watch, read or listen at this challenging time :  COVID 19



·         ‘The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook- A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner

Strength, and Thrive’ Kristin Neff & Christopher K Germer


  • If you NEED to talk TRY: Samaritans: 116 123 & Breathing Space 0800 838 587



·         CALM

·         Headspace

·         Mindshift – Coping with Anxiety

·         Panic Attack Aid

·         Moodkit -Mood improvement tools



Nutrition- ‘The gut is the new brain- feed it well and it will feed you well’. Dr Marlyn Glenville. (2013)

 Amelia Freer is a qualified nutritional therapist and author of several cookery books (

Joe Wicks, also known as the Body Coach, is a nutritional coach and exercise expert‘ Also tune into his Youtube & Instagram, for exercise. Fit body – fit mind

Deliciously Ella, created by Ella Woodward, focuses on plant-based recipes (